Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day16&17/30 days to kindergarten

Day 16&17/30 days to kindergarten: easy bake oven cookies and Cracker Barrel

Well I have worked these two days and on those days I leave home at 6am and get home around 8 pm😔 so I don't get much time with my babies on these days. Thank goodness I have Bo. She steps up and has fun with her little sis when I can't be there! SO on day 16 they made chocolate chip cookies in the easy bake oven and slept in( Koko said she got some GOOD rest😉).  Day17 we went to cracker Barrel for dinner which is one of my kiddo's favorite. While I was at work Ron and Kolbie went to the golf course for a little daddy daughter fun. 

After dinner, my ❤️!!!

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