Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 29/30 days to kindergarten

Day 29/30 days to kindergarten: carriage ride. 
Today we slept in a little, took a shower got ready to go to Memphis. The girls and I went to Jun lees jewelry store. We got a few goodies.  Kolbie and I got matching heart necklaces. Bo and I started this tradition when she started kindergarten. We both had the same necklace and if I was missing her or if she was missing me all we did was just touch the heart and we knew the other person was loved us. When kolbie registered for kindergarten Bo's kindergarten teacher told Kolbie  the story of the heart necklace, and of course the we had to have the same for Koko. 
That night we went on a carriage ride in downtown Memphis. Kolbie knew exactly which care if she wanted. We waited for about an hour to ride it. All five of us enjoyed the ride. The guy that led the carriage ride was a little bit out there, we heard a lot of wild stories sometrue some I don't think so. He told us about a little girl that rode the carriage and got an angel tear, he gave each of us and Angel tear which is supposed to protect you from harm. Kolbie came straight home and put hers in her backpack. 

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