Friday, July 18, 2014

day 1/30 days to K

day 1/ 30 days to K: sunflower pictures, toss back fun, and a trip to see our grandparents

 This is the bucket list the girls made earlier this summer. Just a few of the things on the list play tennis, go on a carriage ride, go to the "peapotty" aka as Peabody, go to Beale street landing, go to Graceland,  zoo, beach, ice cream, movie time, make a cake, have cotton candy, bubble gum necklace, build a fort.....

Day 1: Today we went to Parkin to the state park and saw the huge field of sunflowers. While we were there I snapped a few pics. We had lunch at Mamaw and Papaw's house. We got home and played one of Kobie's favorite things catch with the toss back. Today was a rainy and a very cool day for July. today was just the start of all of this fun, many more ideas to come


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