Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 11/30 days to kindergarten

Date 11/30 days to kindergarten: pipe cleaner glasses, gymnastics fun, and meeting a new friend

Today we had fun creating pipe cleaner glasses and making bracelets for a new friend. Monday is gym day for Kolbie and that's always fun, one of her favorite things. I got a text this morning from Kolbie's principal that a little girl registered for school and she just moved here from MS. She lives a few houses down the street so we went and met them. Kolbie made Addison a Pom Pom braclet to welcome her to our neighborhood☺️. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Date 12/30 days to kindergarten

Date 12/30 days to kindergarten: Kade's birthday party and a little fine making a necklace. 

Today was very busy it was Kade's birthday. He had his friends over for birthday party and after Kolbie and I have a little fun making pom-pom necklaces. We went to win for a funeral visitation and Kolbie got to stay with Liz and uncle Jeff. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 10/30 days to kindergarten

Date 10/30 days to kindergarten: Daddy's day  church and swimming

I had to work again today so Daddy got to have fun instead of me. They got up and went to church. They had a fun afternoon swimming! 

Day 9/ 30 days to kindergarten

Day9/30 days to kindergarten: rest and  Central BBQ

Today I had to go back to work and didn't get to spend much time with my babies 😞.  Kolbie slept until after 11 this morning, vaca made her tired.  We went to Central BBQ when I got off for dinner. 
Kade avoided pics as usual!! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 8/ 30 days to kindergarten

Day 8/ 30 days to kindergarten:  LONG ride home from the beach, playing in the yard. 

Today we drove home from Destin. We played Old Maid,  we played on the iPad we play games, we had fun in the car. Kolbie and I even took a little nap snuggled in the backseat. When we got home we played in the yard. We played soccer, volleyball, and a little batting practice. Glad to be home safe but enjoyed every minute of our vacation!!!

I didn't have to rock this baby to sleep tonight!! 😘

Snuggles melt this Momma!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 7/ 30 days to kindergarten

Day 7/ 30 days to Kindergarten: school clothes shopping, crab catching, beach playing

Today was another FUN day! We went shopping for school clothes. Played on the beach jumping waves and searching for sea creatures( we did find a few). 

Day 6/ 30 days to kindergarten

WOW! Today was a DAY! Kolbie ate breakfast and fastly realized her tooth was BARELY hanging! She pulled it all by herself! We played in the ocean and caught baby jellyfish, crabs, and a sand dollar!!! Lunch/dinner was at our favorite Dewey Destins! We stopped at a rug store, the owner was a Middle eastern man, he met his match when Kolbie walked thru the door! He told her he had a magic carpet, she sat on it and it moved😉. She was not real sure about it so she sat on another rug and he moved it. She said "I know you are trying to truck me Dude" needless to say she walked out with a free rug!!!! This child keeps us laughing!! We also had our traditional Dippin' Dots!  Stopped by the mall and played in the water! Thankful for another fabulous day!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 5/ 30 days to Kindergarten

Day 5/ 30 days to kindergarten: frost bites, Seaside, and caught shrimp to feed the birds

Today we played on the beach, lots of sea weed today. We were looking at the sea weed and discovered there were tiny little shrimp and a few crabs hiding in it. Kolbie would grab it and shake out the shrimp and throw it to the birds.  After several hours of beach time we went to Seaside for dinner and fun. Frost Bites was the highlight of the day! Today was another AMAZING day! 

Day 4/ 30 days to Kindergarten

Day 4/ 30 days to Kindergarten: wave riding, race car driving, motor boat

Today was AWESOME!! We started the day jumping waves and building sandcastles and sea creatures. Kolbie girl rode the waves for hours and finished the day playing at The Track. This day was FULL of fun!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 3/30 days to kindergarten: beach

Day 3/30 days to K: beach fun

Today we got up bright and early and drove to the beach. We had dinner at one of our very favorite places to eat Peg leg Pete's in Pensacola. We made it to our condo around 5pm, went straight to the ocean and played for a little while. The wind was blowing really strong , flags were red so we went to the pool. Bo, Kade, and Kolbie played and chased each other around and had a BLAST!! Looking forward to another AWESOME day tomorrow!!


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 2/ 30 days to K

Day 2/ 30 days to Kindergarten: packing for vacation

We were very busy cleaning and packing for the beach today.  We washed the truck, packed our bags and still found time to play a little bouncy ball.

Tomorrow we are going to get up bright and early to go to the beach.

Friday, July 18, 2014

day 1/30 days to K

day 1/ 30 days to K: sunflower pictures, toss back fun, and a trip to see our grandparents

 This is the bucket list the girls made earlier this summer. Just a few of the things on the list play tennis, go on a carriage ride, go to the "peapotty" aka as Peabody, go to Beale street landing, go to Graceland,  zoo, beach, ice cream, movie time, make a cake, have cotton candy, bubble gum necklace, build a fort.....

Day 1: Today we went to Parkin to the state park and saw the huge field of sunflowers. While we were there I snapped a few pics. We had lunch at Mamaw and Papaw's house. We got home and played one of Kobie's favorite things catch with the toss back. Today was a rainy and a very cool day for July. today was just the start of all of this fun, many more ideas to come


30 Days to Kindergarten

Wow where in the world has time gone? Hard to imagine that the time for my Kobie girl to start school is FASTLY approaching! I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted this very special time to be my top priority. Thirty days to kindergarten-I'm holding close to my sweet girl every second possible!
We are going to do something special with Kolbie every day during this thirty day countdown. I'm not real sure what we will do but I do have some ideas swirling through my mind. Bo and Kolbie made a summer bucket list a few weeks back so we will try to check those off during this special time. Bo will start high school this year, my babies are growing up too fast!!