Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kolbie's 1ST sleep over with Gram and Pop

Last night was the first night that Kolbie has spent the night with Gram and Pop. I had to work and Bo and Kade were going so I FINALLY let her go. She has been saying that she was going to stay the night with Pop for a long time. By the way things sound she had a blast! Dad said she has not cried one time, when I ask her was she ready to come home she said "no POP, lub you,bye bye" (lub is the way love sounds). I am very lucky to have such great parents!!! Gram sent me this pic about 10 and said that Kade and Koko had been playing dress up. Bo went shopping with Liz and Uncle Jeff with Pops debit card, wow he is really getting lax he never gave me his debit card LOL.
P.S. Thank you Jessica for helping me create this blog, now I can cherish these memories forever !

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