Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First trip to the ER

Three children and this is the FIRST trip to the ER! We had just picked Bo and Kade up from school. Part of Kolbie's normal routine is to take her shoes and socks off while in her car seat. I walked around the house to put something in the trash can, when I walked back around she was outside with Kade. Kade and I were looking at a wasp and turned around and Kolbie had found Kade's tackle box, opened it and dumped it out ( I'm guessing she wanted Kade to take her fishing). He ran over to her to pick it up and she didn't move and began to scream , I KNEW something was wrong. I picked her up and saw the hook , I gave it a little pull and it didn't move. Off to LeBonheur we went. Bless Kade's little heart he was so upset, he was crying as hard if not harder than Koko. He had to call Pop on the way to let him know so he could pray for her. Got to the ER and she didn't want the nurse to take her vital signs or touch her foot/leg. They gave her Lortab ( that she didn't want either, had to hold her down to take it) but it did help the pain. So for the next two hours we stood outside and watched the BUS that transports the employees to the parking lot, she found that very entertaining, well the bus drivers did too. She waved at everyone. No one could believe that she was that happy, with a big fishing lewer sticking out of her foot. Kade could not stand the fact that it was taking so long to get it out of her foot. By this point Gram and Pop were on their way, Bo had a volleyball game, the first of the season at 6:30. As soon as they got there Ron took Bo and Kade to Bo's game. Ron was NOT liking that it was taking so long either. His little princess should come first no matter what. I guess it is good that I am a nurse at least I could understand that part :). So we finally got a room and it happened to be the psych room LOL. Kolbie loved this because she could see all the action at the nurses station and she also waved and said hey to everyone that walked by as long as they didn't need to come in and assess her. Pop came with us, and by this point it was shift change. Patience is not one of Pop's best values. Finally got Dr. Jacobs to take a look and he wanted a X-Ray of the foot just to make sure no bone was involved, so she got an IV and we went to x-ray. No bone involved and he had a plan . We went to the procedure room and got morphine. About 30 min later they gave her versed. She was so funny, she would at least allow the DR, RN, and EDT to talk to her now without screaming. So its time for the big action, it took two DRs, a male EDT, and myself to hold her down, but they got it out. Now time for the tetanus shot in her little arm. We had to go back to x-ray just to make sure no fragments were left in. It was ok so we finally got to go home around 11:00. She was such a good girl, poor baby. When we got home of course Kade was asleep on the sofa but woke up for all the details. We ask Kolbie was she going to play in the tackle box again and she held her hands up and shouted a loud NO!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kolbie's 1ST sleep over with Gram and Pop

Last night was the first night that Kolbie has spent the night with Gram and Pop. I had to work and Bo and Kade were going so I FINALLY let her go. She has been saying that she was going to stay the night with Pop for a long time. By the way things sound she had a blast! Dad said she has not cried one time, when I ask her was she ready to come home she said "no POP, lub you,bye bye" (lub is the way love sounds). I am very lucky to have such great parents!!! Gram sent me this pic about 10 and said that Kade and Koko had been playing dress up. Bo went shopping with Liz and Uncle Jeff with Pops debit card, wow he is really getting lax he never gave me his debit card LOL.
P.S. Thank you Jessica for helping me create this blog, now I can cherish these memories forever !